Bouquet Bar


Bring a Bouquet Bar to Your Next Event!

Looking for a fun and creative activity for a bridal shower, ladies' night, corporate gathering, or community social event? Add a touch of beauty and excitement with a bouquet bar!

A bouquet bar is an engaging group activity where guests can create their own flower arrangements to take home—a unique and memorable experience for any occasion.

What’s Included in a Bouquet Bar?

  • Buckets of Locally Grown Flowers from Annie’s Garden Blooms
    Freshly harvested, seasonal blooms in a variety of colors and styles.

  • Wrapping Options
    Choose between vases or kraft paper for flower wrapping.

  • Twine & Ribbon
    A selection of twine and ribbon to customize your bouquet.

  • Floral Snips
    Tools to help create the perfect arrangement.

  • Flower Food & Care Directions
    Each guest will receive flower food and tips for keeping their arrangements fresh.

  • Delivery & Setup
    Flowers and all necessary supplies are delivered to your event location.

What You Provide

  • Event location

  • Tables for setup

  • Trash cans for flower stem debris

Pricing (2-Hour Event)

  • 10 Guests (150-200 stems)
    $400 (without assistance) / $500 (with on-site assistance)

  • 15 Guests (250-300 stems)
    $600 (without assistance) / $700 (with on-site assistance)

  • 20 Guests (350-400 stems)
    $800 (without assistance) / $1,000 (two on-site assistants)

  • Hosted + Cash Bar Combo - we start out with your guests purchasing their bouquets. At the end of the event, you as the host are required to pay the remaining balance if the minimum amount is not met for the guest count outlined above.

How to Reserve

Email us at or call/text 479-883-3809 to confirm your date and discuss event details.

Pricing includes Fort Smith and Barling locations. For events outside this area, additional delivery costs may apply—contact us for details.

Make your event unforgettable with the charm of a bouquet bar! 🌸

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Bring a Bouquet Bar to Your Next Event!

Looking for a fun and creative activity for a bridal shower, ladies' night, corporate gathering, or community social event? Add a touch of beauty and excitement with a bouquet bar!

A bouquet bar is an engaging group activity where guests can create their own flower arrangements to take home—a unique and memorable experience for any occasion.

What’s Included in a Bouquet Bar?

  • Buckets of Locally Grown Flowers from Annie’s Garden Blooms
    Freshly harvested, seasonal blooms in a variety of colors and styles.

  • Wrapping Options
    Choose between vases or kraft paper for flower wrapping.

  • Twine & Ribbon
    A selection of twine and ribbon to customize your bouquet.

  • Floral Snips
    Tools to help create the perfect arrangement.

  • Flower Food & Care Directions
    Each guest will receive flower food and tips for keeping their arrangements fresh.

  • Delivery & Setup
    Flowers and all necessary supplies are delivered to your event location.

What You Provide

  • Event location

  • Tables for setup

  • Trash cans for flower stem debris

Pricing (2-Hour Event)

  • 10 Guests (150-200 stems)
    $400 (without assistance) / $500 (with on-site assistance)

  • 15 Guests (250-300 stems)
    $600 (without assistance) / $700 (with on-site assistance)

  • 20 Guests (350-400 stems)
    $800 (without assistance) / $1,000 (two on-site assistants)

  • Hosted + Cash Bar Combo - we start out with your guests purchasing their bouquets. At the end of the event, you as the host are required to pay the remaining balance if the minimum amount is not met for the guest count outlined above.

How to Reserve

Email us at or call/text 479-883-3809 to confirm your date and discuss event details.

Pricing includes Fort Smith and Barling locations. For events outside this area, additional delivery costs may apply—contact us for details.

Make your event unforgettable with the charm of a bouquet bar! 🌸

Bring a Bouquet Bar to Your Next Event!

Looking for a fun and creative activity for a bridal shower, ladies' night, corporate gathering, or community social event? Add a touch of beauty and excitement with a bouquet bar!

A bouquet bar is an engaging group activity where guests can create their own flower arrangements to take home—a unique and memorable experience for any occasion.

What’s Included in a Bouquet Bar?

  • Buckets of Locally Grown Flowers from Annie’s Garden Blooms
    Freshly harvested, seasonal blooms in a variety of colors and styles.

  • Wrapping Options
    Choose between vases or kraft paper for flower wrapping.

  • Twine & Ribbon
    A selection of twine and ribbon to customize your bouquet.

  • Floral Snips
    Tools to help create the perfect arrangement.

  • Flower Food & Care Directions
    Each guest will receive flower food and tips for keeping their arrangements fresh.

  • Delivery & Setup
    Flowers and all necessary supplies are delivered to your event location.

What You Provide

  • Event location

  • Tables for setup

  • Trash cans for flower stem debris

Pricing (2-Hour Event)

  • 10 Guests (150-200 stems)
    $400 (without assistance) / $500 (with on-site assistance)

  • 15 Guests (250-300 stems)
    $600 (without assistance) / $700 (with on-site assistance)

  • 20 Guests (350-400 stems)
    $800 (without assistance) / $1,000 (two on-site assistants)

  • Hosted + Cash Bar Combo - we start out with your guests purchasing their bouquets. At the end of the event, you as the host are required to pay the remaining balance if the minimum amount is not met for the guest count outlined above.

How to Reserve

Email us at or call/text 479-883-3809 to confirm your date and discuss event details.

Pricing includes Fort Smith and Barling locations. For events outside this area, additional delivery costs may apply—contact us for details.

Make your event unforgettable with the charm of a bouquet bar! 🌸